

sty 14, 2018

A oto drugi zestaw przymiotników, ten zawiera również dobble cards a zamiast much mamy rybki.

Dobble cards: refer to set 1

Fish cards:

You need a fishing rod (a stick, some sting and a magnet attached at the end) for each group of students. Attach a metal paper clip to the fish’s mouth.


FISH POND. Use an oval piece of fabric that will resemble a pond. You can also attach some green fabric around to imitate sweet flag grass and/or rubber ducks J Place some Adjective fish in the pond. Ask student to catch Adjective fish you say. Also, other students can give adjective names to catch.


Play Blind Man’s Bluff – tie a scarf around student’s eyes. Place Adjective fish on the floor (or in the pond). Turn them around several times and ask them to catch several fish with a fishing rod. Other students collect the fish (use a toy fish net if you have one). When the “blind” student have caught the set number of cards, they have to:

  1. translate them
  2. make sentences with each adjective
  3. make comparative and superlative
  4. put them in the correct order according to “the order of adjective rule”
  5. give synonyms/antonym


FOAM CIRCLES – cut out colourful circles out of foam sheet (I use carpet flowers). Place some adjective fish around each foam circle. Use a dice with coloured sides (make them match the foam circles) – I use Pearson educational dice  where I can put colour flashcards matching the carpets (or fabric dice and students have to throw them at the ceiling, the one with highest number of dots indicates the colour of the foam circle/carpet). Students have to read all the fishy adjectives around the correct circle.


HIDE & SEEK – divide your students into groups. Ask one group to hide several adjectives for the second group. Set a time limit to complete the task. Use a sand timer  that can be easily seen by everybody.


THE WASHNG LINE – you need some string tied to opposite ends of your classroom and set of washing clips with a hole in the “arms” for the string to go through like this: . You also need some crystal A5 document sleeve with coloured sheets of paper inside. Hang them on the washing line. In the sleeves put some fish cards with adjectives you’d like to practice.

  1. Assign different colours to your students – they have to find the flies in the correct sleeves and read them (1 point), translate (2 points) …. use the ideas from Version 4
  2. Draw or write different numbers from 1-12 on the coloured paper; hang them in random order. Use three dice to roll at one time (one in different colour for numbers 1-6; the other two for numbers 7-12). Students roll the dice and have to find their cards (for revising numbers and adjectives)
  3. Draw clothes items on the coloured paper. Use three dice to roll at one time (one in different colour for numbers 1-6; the other two for numbers 7-12). Students roll the dice and have to find their cards. They have to make a sentence with the clothes item from the card using also the colour and the fish adjective from the document sleeve.


DUST PAN AND BRUSH – you need a set of dust pan and a brush for each student (they can to it in turns).

  1. Set a time limit using the sand timer for student to sweep as many “caught” fish as possible. They have to count the flies and read the adjectives (or use ideas from Version 4)
  2. Ask students to sweep a set number of “caught” fish. They should read the words (or use ideas from Version 4)


SNAKES AND LADDERS – place fish cards on the snakes and ladders board game with the ideas from Version 4


SKIPPING ROPE – you need a long skipping rope or a piece of string stretched on the floor. On both sides of the skipping rope/string place different fish cards. Two students stand at each end of the skipping rope/string. Say different adjectives and students in turn have to jump to the correct side of the skipping rope and jump back.


IKEA FURNITURE – you need a set or two sets of IKEA FURNITURE for children:

  1. Place fish cards in different places and give students some directions:
    It’s in the wardrobe. It’s on the sofa.
  2. In groups student place the cards themselves and report to the rest of the class:
    “X” is behind the armchair. “Y” is under the bed.


ADJECTIVE BOARD GAME – use the fish cards to play the game


THE COLOUR GAME – use the game to practise fish adjectives


FOOTBALL PITCH GAME – download a good quality image of a football pitch (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/af/fe/65/affe6527a7ae2af303acef5549cd7ad3–football-pitch-cake-football-cakes.jpg) or make it yourself. Place fish cards in two rows leading from one goal to another. Place a “footballer” counter in each goal (each student moves on the right row). One by one they use the adjective (ideas from Version 4) to move forward the opposite goal. To shoot a goal they need to reach the last card in their row and then “hit” the opposite player with a very soft ball (Ikea has plenty). If a student can’t use the adjective, they stay in place and you exchange the card for a different from the pile you have left.


TIC TAC TOE – Divide students into pairs. Each pair needs a set of nine cards and some tokens to mark their place on the card. By using the ideas from Version 4 they play TIC TAC TOE game.


Pliki do pobrania:

Dobble cards: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13uLDhycsKYisv9UWhf_DlLT-kfe9d_8l/view?usp=sharing

Fish cards: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QnOWP9qhcesRxesP4fP-fwegrk64LdxX/view?usp=sharing

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